Husband and Veneration of Wife

Rite of Consecration, Cristina H. Garcia, November 2016

I have caused a REFLECTION on the VOCATION of MARRIAGE and this is the contemplation of VENERATION for the PERSON! The Body is proposed to be WIFE to a HUSBAND at every Sacrament of Holy Marriage. When at the disposition of seeking THE BOND of CHARITY towards its perfection, VIRGINITY has an intention of CHARITY!

What is this CHARITY when whole in the CONTINENCE of VIRGIN for the Kingdom?

How does the LIFE of St. Therese Martin, Lisieux, France offer her DECISION as a fifteen year old in performing the consideration in blessing her father with her DEPENDENCY on him to love her and her corporal body created in his image and likeness?

The Father of the BRIDE offers HIS BLESSING on HIS DAUGHTER as WIFE to a HUSBAND and as wife she is to BOND the CHARITY with a FAITH and OBEDIENCE in his continence of BOND for HER BODY!

How does he preserve her BODY in the FAITH?

Virginity proclaims the BODY to be a BOND OF CHARITY to HUSBAND and who is husband in this concept of marriage today?

Meryl Viola Bravo ~

Rite of Consecrated Virgin, Cristina H. Garcia, Video created by Meryl Viola Bravo

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